Rabu, 21 Agustus 2019

The name syphilis for men and women is the most effective at pharmacies

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that attacks the immune system when a person is infected with it, which can cause serious health problems. syphilis is divided into 4 stages at each stage will have different signs or symptoms this time herbal remedies will try to learn a little about syphilis and the best solution for treatment in patients with syphilis - The name syphilis for men and women is the most effective at pharmacies

Primary syphilis

After an incubation period of 3 to 4 weeks, the primary lesions of 1 to 13 weeks (chancre) develop at the site of inoculation. Early red rash quickly forms usually without pain but when applied it releases a clear fluid containing many spirochetes. The lymph nodes can spread quickly and easily. These rash can appear anywhere but the most common are as follows:
  • Penis
  • Anus
  • Rectum
  • Vulva
  • Cervix
  • Perineum
  • Lips in both jantinas
Secondary syphilis

About half of infected women and one third of infected men are unaware of the chancre because it causes only a few symptoms. Rats in the rectum or mouth usually occur in men, often and unknowingly. Typists will recover within 3 to 12 weeks. then people look healthy. However, you are not sure that you are free from syphilis, as the disease is extremely unpredictable, requiring further examination to make sure you are free from syphilis. If one is not treated, the bacteria eventually enter the bloodstream and are transported to many parts of the body. Rash can develop at this stage. This is usually seen around 6 weeks to 3 months after the shape of the chancre and, in some cases, can occur even when the chancre is not fully healed. rash can worsen in the next 2 months. red or brown spots appear on the chest, arms and legs. What's so great about this rash is that it can also be found on the palms and feet. The rash can remain as red spots, or become pustular or scaly, but usually not very itchy. Rash can clean only to be replaced with something else. There are also symptoms such as colds, headaches, fatigue, and mild fever. Bacteria can also enter the brain and cause meningitis. Some people show signs of anemia and yellow disease. This syndrome is called secondary syphilis and can come and go for a year or two. During the rash, someone with a second syphilis is contagious

Latent syphilis

In many people, syphilis stops there, though not treated. the bacteria persist but do not cause symptoms and do not infect others. This is called latent syphilis. It may remain inactive indefinitely, or it may be active again some years later. People who are not treated at an early stage have a 1 in 3 chance of developing chronic tertiary syphilis. The bacteria retreats deep into the body and is no longer contagious, but syphilis can reappear decades after the last rash of the secondary syphilis. The disease poses serious threats to the internal organs, including the brain, heart, blood vessels, and bones. Syphilis can cause death if left untreated.

Reinforced syphilis

Tertiary syphilis complications
including brain damage depending on which part is damaged, symptoms can range from motor effects such as tremors to mood disorders (such as having delusional delusions). Muscle weakness, pain, decreased muscle coordination and lost limb movement. Damage to the heart and blood vessels: syphilis has a specific tendency to damage the wall of the aorta, the largest artery of the body, which can cause aneurysm. This syndrome usually occurs 10 to 25 years after the initial infection. damage to the retina and vital nerves and blood vessels to the back of the eye: syphilis usually attacks both eyes. If left untreated, irreparable damage to the eye can lead to blindness. Again, this can happen years after the original infection. These are just some of the organs that are most likely to be damaged. However, the symptoms do not worsen, as syphilis can heal within a few days from the beginning. This can be a delicate disease, and can be unnoticed in the main stages.

How Can You Prevent Syphilis?
There are several things you can do to reduce the risk of syphilis. Whether you've never had an infection or if you've never had it before and don't want to repeat it, it's important to practice safe sex. Safer mass includes using condoms and using them properly. If you have symptoms, it's a good idea to run these tips
Here are some natural syphilis remedies you can use

Root For You
Root Alang Root is also known as Reeds in one of the most common herbal plants in Indonesia. It grows 2000m above sea level easily. Additional medicinal properties have been used by Indigenous peoples for decades, which may consider grass considered to be a pest by farmers with many properties, one of which is for syphilis.

Root considerations:
  • Glucose
  • Manitol
  • Asid Citric
  • Asid Malik
  • Arundoin
  • Coixol
  • Fernerol
  • Astigmatine
  • Anemone
  • Simiarenol
  • Esin
  • Saponin
  • Alkali
  • Polyphenols
  • Tannin
This content is found in stems, roots and flowers that are often used as an alternative to traditional medicine. and can be used as a syphilis drug from nature
Here's how to make herbal ingredients:
Take 100 grams of grass roots and 30-30 grams of weeds and shovels. Boil in 700cc of water until the remaining 200cc. Press herbs and drink.

Aloe Vera
Aloe's tongue is a cactus, a juicy plant with thick leaves filled with gelatin known as aloe vera gel. Gel has been evaluated for its health benefits for centuries. Its use can be traced as far as Ancient Egypt and the Great Alexander went as far as capturing the island of Socotra only to obtain a crocodile tongue growing there as a natural syphilis drug for men and women
Today it is widely used in the beauty industry and is a popular free remedy for many skin conditions, including eczema. and put in
Like many traditional treatments,
Aloe Vera Content:
  • Water
  • 20 minerals
  • 12 vitamins
  • 18 amino acids
  • 200 active plant compounds (phytonutrients)
  • How to make a crocodile tongue:
  • Provide some aloe vera
  • Wash and peel off the skin and take out the meat
  • Boil 2 cups of clean water
  • Separate water and pulp and drink warm Drink 3 times a day
Misai Leaf Paint
Cat Whiskers (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth), also known by the region as Songot bark, Remujung or Sesaseyan is a shrub that has a wet stem with a vertical height of 1.5 meters. The plant has an egg-shaped leaf with a rough serrated edge. The flowers are of yarn and pistols that are white or purple.

Plants from tropical Africa then spread to Asia and Australia growing in dry or wet places up to 700 meters above sea level.
Cat Leaf Benefits Cats are known to contain ortosiphonin glycosides which are believed to dissolve uric acid, prostate and oxalate from the body, especially in the urinary tract, gall bladder and kidneys and facilitate the release of urine (diuretics). Cat mustache is useful for conditions such as rheumatism, cough, flu, constipation, back pain, kidney and swelling infections, kidney stones, diabetes, albuminuria, urinary tract infections and gouty arthritis, syphilis and gonorrhea
How to use cat lice for syphilis and gonorrhea medicine
90 grams of cat leaf whiskers are washed and boiled in one liter of water until boiling and remaining 750 cc. After cold, drink three times a day
To go well, avoid eating durian, slow, and spicy foods.

Garlic, in addition to other specialty flavors, is a very effective syphilis drug that helps prevent and cure various health problems. One of them can cure syphilis, man. as well as non-diabetic non-garlic diabetes is a very important source of minerals and vitamins for health.

Garlic content
  • 95% vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)
  • 52% vitamin C
  • 33% copper
  • Iron 21%
  • 18% calcium
  • Selenium 26%
  • Manganese 73%
Herbal garlic has been used for a long time in many traditional Indonesian and Chinese medicines as a cure for colds, cough, bronchitis, syphilis, gonorrhea and so on. In modern medicine, this exotic herb has been suggested as a health benefit for anti-microbial anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, and immune and cholesterol lowering properties.

Bethel Leaves
The plant under another name (Piper Betle) is a grape variety and is mostly found in Indonesia. This grape can reach 12 m high. The betel bark is green, round, divided and is the root of release. The leaves are heart-shaped, spiky, alternating, stems, and unpleasant when crushed. The fruit is greenish green. Roots, round and golden color. These plant leaves are often used to treat certain types of diseases.

The contents of the green betel leaf include:
  • Propen Phenyl
  • Starch oil
  • Hydroxicavisol
  • Estragol
  • Kavikol
  • Cavibetol
  • Allilpyrokatekol
  • Caryophyllene
  • Cyneole
  • Cadinene
  • Diastase
  • Tannin
  • Starch
  • Sesquiterpenes
  • Terpennena and sugar.
Regarding syphilis

One of the properties of betel leaf is to treat natural syphilis and of course minimal side effects and not cause drug dependence. The following are ways to treat syphilis with betel leaf:
How to make betel leaf extract as a syphilis
Provide 25-30 betel leaves along the stalk, 1/4 kg of sugar and salt to taste. All ingredients are boiled together with 2 liters of water until boiled, then filtered. The ingredients are taken 3 times daily.
No time ?? To Make Ingredients Above
Contact Us: Phone / Suction: +62819 0342 1063
  • It's not a shame when you go to the hospital
  • No need to inject
  • 100% minimal herbal side effects
  • It only takes 6 hours
  • The treatment is only short for 3-5 days.
Prompt for syphilis and gonorrhea patients
Wash clothes separately if you need to soak up hot water, this is intended to kill any remaining virus among the fabric that allows for repeated infections
Avoid temporary intercourse to prevent delivery to partners
Avoid fatty foods such as eggs, meat, fish and milk
Clean your genitals after sex Increasing exercise, it aims to maintain physical fitness
What syphilis sufferers should avoid
Avoid the following:
  • All types of meat
  • All types of fish
  • Milk
  • Coffee
  • The egg
  • Seafood
The type of vegetables to avoid
  • Cabbage
  • Col.
  • Mustard
That's the way to make traditional syphilis medical recipes if they are natural and certainly do not cause side effects and drug dependencies, may be helpful!
Consultation And How To Get The Above Drugs
Phone / Smoke: +62819 0342 1063

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    If you have any sickness like : H I V/AIDS , CANCER , HERPES 1 or 2 , GENITAL WARTS (HPV), Chlamydia, Hepatitis B. Trichomoniasis Gonorrhea, Epilepsy, and Syphilis.
